Going through these pictures of Barra de Potosi, Guerrero has been nostalgic. It was a time when we weren’t under quarantine, we were free, and we were happy. Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy. I have awesome kids, a wonderful family, and great friends. I also have a nice home, food in the fridge, and so many pretty flowers in my backyard all year long. Those are all reasons to be happy! Gotta be honest though, this last year has been a little crazy. And I am officially tired of crazy and just want a little normal? Is that too much to ask? Probably! Is COVID-19 the new normal? Yuck.
On to good things… when I look at all these pictures of beautiful Mexico, I am so glad we moved here almost seven years ago. The world is full of beauty and we have only seen a very small part of it but for that, I am happy. I love Mexico. I love photography. I took these photos, they were stored on my laptop, and I forgot the beauty of our trip. Life happened. But then upon editing the images, I was completely immersed again in the splendor of Mexico. I hope they make you feel good too ;-) The whole world was made for us!
This wasn’t our first trip to Barra de Potosi, Guerrero, and it won’t be the last! We love it!

Signing off, Tina
Originally published August 25, 2020
Buy me a cup of coffee
A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of creating this project. Add some fuel if you'd like to keep me going ;-) Gracias!
How’s your Cong dealing with the pandemic “adjustments”?
We are doing well! It’s not easy being apart but Zoom meeting attendance is great and many of us enjoy regular Bible ministry over Zoom as well. We have temporarily joined with another congregation about 45 minutes away for our Zoom meetings because we are both very small congregations. Everyone is enjoying the association and encouragement. Tina
We’re here in Albuquerque. Getting used to Zooming as well. Our Arabic group got delisted:-( due to small size etc, so we’re back with the habla inglés publishers. Haven’t been back to México since last year. Can’t wait to visit again. Y’all keep busy in Jah’s service alright? Bye…
Hi !! my wife and I are travelling from Patzcuaro,Mich. to stay in that area of Barra de potosi. we are in a Spanish cong. now…they needed more help then the English cong. look forward to our trip. did you do the bird watching trip? where was the best place to eat?…we love our zoom meetings…only doing letter writing. take care!
We did the lagoon boat tour and there were a lot of birds! It was very cool. As far as food, there are several restaurants lined up on the shore so take your pick! The menus are about the same. We are currently serving in Patzcuaro English but we live in Uruapan. Have a safe trip and have fun!
We are coming to Barra in March for 10 days. How much money should I expect to pay for food if we eat out all 3 meals a day? Dollars and Pesos.
Thank you;
James Everet
I apologize for the late response. I hope you had a wonderful trip! Do you think you will return?