Second Attempt Visiting The Morelia Zoo

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We made our second attempt visiting the Morelia zoo this week! We went yesterday afternoon for about an hour and a half. We have a family and some friends visiting our Bible congregation from Texas and we had planned on spending the afternoon at the zoo. But it has been rainy and nasty here the last few days so we decided to skip it. Then last minute the sun came out for a few hours and we changed our minds. It’s a lovely zoo and I am so glad we went!

I have mixed emotions about zoos. I hate seeing animals caged and confined, but without zoos my family would not have the opportunity to see so many amazing creatures. Like the Giant Pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo in the US. We have been there twice, the last trip being in August 2012. I would love to see the new Panda cub, Bao Bao. Pandas are one of my favorite animals. Zoos also give us the chance to meet and enjoy endangered species! Back to Morelia…

Morelia doesn’t have Pandas but they do have White Tigers and White Lions, just to name a few! This was my first time seeing White Lions. Beautiful! I have never seen so many animals species in one place. The animals looked well-cared for and healthy. The grounds were clean and maintained. The landscape was pretty. Many animals were much closer, which was just awesome. We could have reached out and touched several… not the lions or tigers though ;-)
We saw a baby hippo, a baby giraffe, baby monkeys, baby boars, and baby ducks. Several animals actually came over to greet us. The Lemurs from the movie, Madagascar, were my favorite. So inquisitive! Brad gave one a leaf and Taylor fed a monkey some sugar cane. The monkey took it from her hand with his tail! Maybe feeding the animals was a no, no… but they were too cute to resist!
Guess how much it cost our family of six? 68 pesos. That is $5.21 for all of us. Course Tristan is still free. But the zoo in Louisville is like over $40 for our family. Brad and I said that we could visit once a week just to get out of the house without breaking the bank. We will definitely return. Although next time don’t forget diapers… Sawyer decided to go #2 as soon as we arrived and the pull-ups were at home! Thankfully we were outside. Even an hour at the zoo is an adventure for us! Signing off, Tina

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