Vaccines in Mexico

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Door to Door Vaccinations by Ranger Tamer via DeviantArt

Last week Tristan had his first set of shots in Mexico. We have a very nice neighbor that lives around the corner. Adrian took us downtown Morelia to a local family health clinic. The shots were free, despite our family being from the US and living here on a temporary visa. Brad and I received a shot too. Our second round of Hep B, which we are getting for further travel in Central America. Right now everyone is up-to-date on our vaccines. Some parents choose not to have their children vaccinated but we feel the complications from vaccines are very low, compared with the risk of contacting a dangerous disease. Like Polio, which my father had at the age of 8 and has lived with his entire life.

[bctt tweet=”#Vaccines in #Mexico”]

The family health clinic was very busy, so the whole process took about two hours. In the first line, Brad and Adrian registered with the nurses and translated Tristan’s vaccine record from the US. While we waited for Tristan to be registered, I took the kids across the street to a pretty park, where they chased all the pigeons away. Then we went to a small cafe, had a snack, and brought Daddy back a quesadilla. After that the three of us, Brad, Tristan, and I, waited in another line to receive the shots. It was quick and painless and the nurse seemed to know her job. The only thing I did not like at the clinic was the state of the restrooms. There was no soap and no toilet paper.  Fortunately I had napkins in my purse. Toilet paper and soap are a luxury in public restrooms in Mexico. I have learned that the hard way…  I guess I just thought a health clinic would have soap. I did see some hand sanitizer on a counter, but I hate that stuff for a few good reasons. When we came home I gave Tristan some pain medicine and he took a good nap. By that evening, he was happy and smiling again. My little trooper :-) Signing off, Tina

3 thoughts on “Vaccines in Mexico

  1. Myra Willison says:

    4 shots that poor thing. I heard the Hep B shot hurt so I didn’t get it yet. Which means I probably won’t since involves a needle!! LOL They recommended me getting it when I started working just because you never know what the kids have that I work with. Scarry thought so I try not to think about it. HaHa I’ve heard along time ago about the envelope system. Let me know how it goes, I might have to look into it. Hope it works so we can see you all in October :) I can’t believe how much the kids have grown. Alexis looks so much older. Send my love to Bradley and the kids <3
    Love ya,

    • Tina Ernspiker says:

      It hurts kinda like a bruise but only for a day or two! Myra you gave birth naturally to two babies! You can do it! Hahaha!

  2. Myra Willison says:

    LOL Tina that is so true. I had something to look forward to after labor. A shot is nothing but pain, nothing to look forward to at the end.

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